Elements in and around us

These second graders explored and discovered the building blocks of an atom, ultimately of life, understanding the structural difference between an atom and a molecule, how O and H atoms are very different from one another, yet when combined, create H2O (water), a necessary condition for the existence of life.

Not only did we explore what Oxygen, Hydrogen, Iron and Carbon atoms look like, but we also learned why they are an essential building block of life and where they are found on Earth. They are literally all around us, in plants, animals, the air we breath, water, underground and inside each and every one of us.

If you would like to learn more about this fascinating topic, click one of the elements featured  on ducksters.com, a fun online learning resource for everyone.

You can also check out a superb periodic table at Ptable.com. Many periodic tables use the word interactive to describe themselves but Ptable has taken this to a new level. It is truly impressive, making Mendeleev's creation come alive.


Featured Videos | RelateD

We have included some related videos that we are sure will expand your knowledge of these fascinating elements, the make-up of life all around us and are an integral part of our universe.


Carbon as an element.


Where do we get coal from?

How do they do it? Coal mining.

Peat Bogs

Chemistry & Corpses: The Science of Bog Bodies.

Diamonds as a form of carbon

DNA2Diamonds can take a lock of hair, convert it to carbon, eventually delivering you a personalized diamond!

Diamond tip used for engraving.

Carbon - Did you know?


… all plants have carbon in them? Without carbon plants could not exist. To survive, animals and humans need carbon but you can't just eat carbon, it needs to be in the plant first.


… that diamonds are simply big chunks of carbon? When carbon is left for a very long time under very high pressure, all of the carbon atoms are pushed together to form a crystal. That crystal is called a diamond.


… carbon compounds store lots of energy and is good at holding onto heat? That's why it's used for charcoal, so the next time you have barbecue you'll know that the main ingredient of the charcoal is actually carbon.


… that the black tip of your pencil is made of carbon? It is a special type of carbon called graphite.


… carbon is the most important part of gasoline? Gasoline is made up of oil and oil is created from the plants which died millions of years ago. You already know there is carbon to be found in plants, so that means carbon is in oil and gasoline.


… everything that is plastic has carbon in it? We just mentioned gasoline. Like gasoline, plastic things are made from oil. That means carbon is also the most important element in plastic

Joanna Cutts