Earth's Biomes

From the Rainforest’s Emerging Layer to Organisms Decomposing Organic Matter
At Cogitania’s Saturday Botany workshop fourth graders started learning about the Earth’s Biomes. We started our study of biomes by taking a virtual field trip to the Amazon Rainforest. There we saw the plants and animals that inhabit the four layers of the tropical rainforest biome and learned how important this biome is to planet earth.
We discussed how humans are impacting this biome and what the world community can do to conserve/preserve and maintain the rain forest’s biodiversity for the health of the planet and as a resource for future generations.
Finally, we learned about decomposition and examined rotting logs using hand lens and microscopes. The students discovered insects and fungus that work together with water, heat, oxygen, and bacteria to decompose the logs.

Joanna Cutts