The Scientific Method and Grassland Biome

At Cogitania’s Saturday Botany workshop fourth graders saw a video about the steps of the Scientific Method and learned that different types of scientists may not use the method in the same way. We discussed the scientific method and the steps we took to conduct last week’s experiment about Transpiration and the movement of water in plants.

The remainder of the class we studied the Grassland Biome. We watched a video about Savana and Temperate grasslands and the students took the “Grassland challenge” to test and improve their knowledge. We researched some grassland plants and discussed how these plants benefited animals and humans and what adaptations the plants had developed to survive and thrive in the Grassland Biome.

We finished our exploration of Biomes and the students took a quiz to test their knowledge they had learned over several weeks. Everyone did very well.
The students received an “Air” plant which they took home to add to their plant collections.

Joanna Cutts