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Psychology of Consciousness 2/28

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This week, we extended last week's session on memory. One tricky thing about doing experiments on memory is allowing for enough buffer time between encoding (seeing items that should be remembered) and retrieval (when people are asked to recall items or whether they recognize items). We tried to implant false memories in each other and examined whether we would falsely remember seeing words that weren't shown previously. During the buffer periods between encoding and retrieval, we tested our implicit memory by completing a specific maze and seeing whether our performance improved after repeated exposure to the maze. Indeed, we finished the maze at a faster rate the second time we were exposed to the maze.

We also learned about two famous clinical patients in the memory world: Patient H.M. and Clive Wearing. Here are some videos and links about these two men:

A short video about H.M.:
Here's an interview with the author of a book on H.M. (who happens to be the grandson of the neurosurgeon involved in H.M.'s lobotomy):
H.M. passed away in 2008, and a digital atlas of his brain is available for free:
Clive Wearing: