Real Data, Real Results: Boundless Energy - part 3

Dr. George E. Aninwene II, PhD
April 10, 2017

This Monday we focused continued out investigation into Kinetic and potential energy. Students again worked with their projectile motion devices and we recorded the data and used Excel to interpret out findings. With the data, we could back calculate the max height of the Ping-Pong projectile given the elastic membrane being pulled back “x” inches.

The next challenge is to determine the max velocity of the ball and the elastic spring constant of the membrane in their devices. Since next week will be a break below is a link to where the excel spreadsheet can be downloaded so the students can continue their work with the data.

The next challenge is to determine the max velocity of the ball and the elastic spring constant of the membrane in their devices. Since next week will be a break below is a link to where the excel spreadsheet can be downloaded so the students can continue their work with the data.

Click the Pop-out icon ( ↗︎ ) towards the upper right to view full scale on Google drive.

Additionally, we reviewed a few basic trigonometry concepts in preparation for 2-dimensional projectile motion.

We collected the time of flight data from each system and on next Monday we will calculate the max heights and max speeds, then graph the calculated data. We will also use the collected data to calculate the elastic spring constant of each system. This information will become very clear when we start doing experiments with projectile motion in 2 dimensions.

Joanna Cutts