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The Acidification of our Oceans

We began exploring ocean acidification and the species that are most significantly harmed by this process. We had some very good discussions about the science before beginning the activity. The activity was focused on the idea of presenting an argument for stopping ocean acidification. With more time, I think we could have yielded good concrete results, but we all decided that this activity wasn't analytical enough to come back to. I've promised an activity analyzing the acidity of samples after Christmas break. I hope they are looking forward to it as I am!

Ep. 1 – The Loudest Smallest Voices

A group of 12-year-olds, tired of the grownups messing up their planet, have decided to solve the problems of the oceans themselves. They are working on issues like coral bleaching, kelp forests and ocean acidification. These kids are stunningly smart. But they’re also… just kids. Silly, irreverent and playful as puppies. And they’ve captured the imagination of some top climate scientists who are working with them. The kids are spreading the word, speaking at high-powered science symposia and showing other kids how to start their own Heirs to Our Oceans club.

Listen here to the podcast or go to the stepping up website for more.

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