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Ocean Acidification: Experiment

As a continuation of the content from before Christmas, we talked about ocean acidification. We discussed the difference between a healthy coral reef and an unhealthy coral reef, addressing how we have come to understand the difference. 

Then, we analyzed the effects of ocean acidification. In our experimental part of the session we identified household acids and bases. Then, we singled out one particular base: Antacid tablets. The primary ingredient in these is calcium carbonate, which is also the primary component of marine invertebrate shells. We put seltzer water on our tablets and they began to slowly dissolve the tablets.

Vinegar had an immediate effect and the tablets were dissolved within minutes. This led us to two conclusions:

  1. Too much acid is really bad for marine life.
  2. Though our pH tests didn't go low enough to show exactly how much more acidic vinegar is than seltzer water, vinegar must be more acidic.

Hint: Seltzer water has a pH of 3-4, while distilled white vinegar is at 2.4.