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3-2-1 Liftoff

Two weeks ago, your kids learned how powerful gravity can be. This time around we expanded on further understanding gravity influence by having our Cogitanian's send a rocket into 'space'. They got a fairly good understanding of how much energy is involved in escaping gravity. The big word: combustion has been experienced as they built their rocket prototypes.  How excited we all were as we saw them working!!!

We completed a challenge on rocketry! We first discussed Newton's laws, but then focused in on the third law. This law is nicknamed the law of rockets and balloons because it governs the motion of these objects. It is written as follows: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This basically means that if a balloon pushes air away, the air also pushes the balloon forward. If a rocket pushes out exhaust, the exhaust also pushes on the rocket.

We then applied this law in a series of rocket designs. The students made prototype rockets with straws and paper. Then, they escalated to larger rockets with a PVC pipe launcher and cardstock. Then, we embarked on the most difficult rocket design where the students had to design their own launcher using baking soda and vinegar. This was very challenging and they made a great prototype! They will need a second lesson to modify and relaunch this rocket type. They made an excellent "fuel chamber" but we needed to add something for the fuel to push against. They could also make their fuel chamber larger and make their rocket lighter. These are possibilities to explore. They can also come up with their own. They could easily spend another lesson exploring the possibilities. I hope they have time to do so, if not in Cogitania, then at home!