Gene Expression
Researchers at NASA's Johnson Space Center perform DNA and RNA sequencing on microbes as part of the Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST) experiment. The same sequencing procedure is performed in orbit aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and the results are compared to those on the ground.
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From Protein Structure to Gene Expression
On January the 18th we finished our conversation about protein structure, and began discussing the specifics of gene expression. The students explored transcription through RNA polymerase, and filled in the complimentary sequences for the template and mRNA strands. We then discussed translation and the ribosome, tRNA and the specific binding pockets that enable translation. We finished on deciphering what amino acids various codons encode.
On January the 26th students focused on reviewing the important concept of gene expression, where we further discussed transcription and translation. They used ChimeraX, a free program developed by UCSF to explore the structure of the ribosome. Here the students identified binding of the small subunit to mRNA, as well as the largest subunit binding to tRNA and the binding pockets of the ribosome. We also discussed the mechanism of the ribosome in further detail.