The difference between kinetics and thermodynamics
For more than 25 years, biologist David Goodsell has been making scientifically accurate paintings and illustrations of the molecular structures of things related to HIV, cancer cells, ebola, Zika, diabetes, proteins, enzymes, and hundreds of other scientific and medical processes.
In today’s session we reviewed the difference between kinetics and thermodynamics, and examined the impact Gibb’s Free Energy has behind biochemical reactions in more detail.
We learned how biochemical reactions utilize ATP hydrolysis for turning endergonic reactions exergonic. We then explored the 3D structure of an enzyme (phosphofructokinase 1) to see the structural means in which ATP hydrolysis is coupled to reactions. We will discuss how ATP is produced in the next session.
In addition, next week the students will need the following ingredients:
Small balloon (fits well over the mouth of the vial that came in the Blue Light Experiment Kit)
Plastic wrap
The following week (05/24) the students will need:
Kiwi, strawberry, banana (one of each)
Isopropyl alcohol
Dish soap
Disposable cup
Strainer and coffee filter
Forceps or tweezers or chop sticks or fork