The Definition of Life

As we have been studying the definition of life and what it takes to be alive, Divya, our biologist has taken the kids on a journey of exploration what it means to have many legs (microorganisms, millipede,…), flippers, paws, legs and arms, NO legs and arms at all. The kids have played a game of movement using all hands and legs, just one hand and two legs, no hands two legs, no legs and hands. It was so much fun for them to explore what it means to change physical location using your body parts. They have also had to move with eyes closed and feel the environment. What they discovered was, that they had NO sense of direction! WE have than studied the movement using the example of an earthworm, a creature that not having legs or hands needed to find a way to move - SEGMENTS! The kids were holding the earthworms as well as studying its movement in the dirt. As we did the kids had comments. We have also guided their excited minds towards asking questions as they observed. FUN!

Joanna Cutts