Back to the Lab


We continue our zoology study. Last week we watched a live camera rescue operation of a small eaglet caught between the nest and the tree branch. The objective of our session was to reflect and discuss how much we humans can and should intervene into wild life.

Today’s session was “back to the lab”. We studied anatomy! First we looked at the anatomical structure of our own arm. We sketched the clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna and radius. Your girls decided to sketch not only the arm but also the hand with carpools, metacarpals and phalanges. 
After this quick study we moved into our project room. While carefully  disecting the small chicken, the  girls felt, touched, observed and compared the bird to their own design. What an excitement! They are on their way to discover that when it comes to life, there rule is: form follows function - one of the most fundamental principles of biology!