How stars come to life

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What a great group of thinkers!

Late last week, we built on the last session to complete the life cycle of the star. We reviewed how stars come to life, before diving into the three main types of star death. We learned that stars become white dwarf stars, neutron stars, or black holes depending on mass. We also learned about the clouds of material that are left behind - nebulas - and how these clouds are important to the overall cycle. The boys then began planning out explanatory videos. They are each creating their own video about the life cycle of stars. They were very focused on their projects and they asked to continue working next lesson. Some have expressed interest in editing their own videos. If they have laptops that they can bring to the next lesson, that would be very helpful! If their computer didn't come with video editing software, there are a lot of free options out there. Simpler is better for this, so if the computer has iMovie or Windows Movie Maker, that is ideal. If not, you can consider downloading these online for free before the lesson.
— Joanna and Kate