Posts in Advisor Katherine Lodder
Navigating by Starlight

During our session, we explored the concept of navigating by starlight. We first learned about the history of this skill. We discussed the Odyssey and the lore of Polynesians, as well as various techniques used to measure the parameters of the sky to help align with constellations. We then created our own take-home star maps.

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Hiding the Earth Behind Your Thumb

Your girls have been exposed to the concept of size, scale and proportion on an astronomical scale. Using a toilet paper role they have been marking in an accurate scale distances of all the 8 planets of our solar system from the sun! In order to do that, they needed to find a common unit for the distance.

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Little Astro

This week, we learned about the scale of the solar system and the general motion of the planets, dwarf planets, and comets. We first used a video and our own meter stick to see the scale of the solar system if the Sun was the size of a soccer ball. We then, talked about the shape of the orbitals and looked at the numbers that help define the shape.

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Ocean Acidification: Experiment

As a continuation of the content from before Christmas, we talked about ocean acidification. We discussed the difference between a healthy coral reef and an unhealthy coral reef, addressing how we have come to understand the difference. 

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